Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Operation Strategy
OPERATIONS scheme scheme The in no.ation of Strategy The word dodging is derived from the Greek term strategos (plural strategoi Greek , , literally signifi gitce army leader) is utilize in Greek to mean general. However, the term is also used to describe a military goer no which command, plan and conduct of a war.When strategy applied to line of work wars, the strategy refers to the establishment of objectives, the setting of stress, and the phylogeny and implementation of plans, with the remnant (in place of military victory) of achieving mastery over ones adversaries according to Andrews (1971), Ghemawat (2002) and Porter (1980). In order to puzzle the desired warlike impact, a strategy has to operate over an extended time horizon and embrace a full spectrum of activities, ranging from resource allocation formes to day-to-day trading trading operations.It must integrate decisions usurping these different sets of activities into a coherent pattern, twain over ti me and across groups that a lot compete for the same resources. An effective strategy also usually involves concentrating a lodges efforts and resources on a limited range of directions. Focusing resources on authorized directions reduces obtainable for differents, nonethe little, so a coherent strategy usually required that a company imbibe trade-offs among various commanded outcomes.TYPE OF STRATEGY The word strategy is used in many an(prenominal) contexts that is useful to come in and contrast three different typecasts of management-related strategies. At the highest take aim, corporate strategy identifies the industries and markets in which a company pull up stakes operate. Corporate strategists make decisions that implement these choices, including investment in and divestment of handicraftes together with allocation of resources among existing billetes. transmission line strategy, the second level of company strategy, is focused at the level of the various(pren ominal) melody or business whole at heart the company, and is doctored with where the business positions itself indoors a particular industry or market as rise as with how and with what capabilities the business testament win guests, cooperatively and in competition with some other parties in its industries.In other word, the business strategy is also concerned with strategic business units (SBUs) as separately SBU might have its own business strategy, which specifies (1) the scope of that business and its relation to the corporation as a whole, and (2) how it proposes to position itself within its particular industry to achieve matched advantage in various ways according to convert et al (1988). To be effective, elaborated further from Porter (1980), this advantage must meet essential customer needs, take into account competitors strengths and weaknesses, and be sustainable given the SBUs capabilities.Empirical evidence from a study over 100 companies by Sterman (2000) found that those companies that engaged in system level thinking about their business strategies significantly outper skeletal systemed those that focused at the harvesting level. To be some(prenominal) specific, Hax and Wilde 2001 differentiated three run acrosss a company might consider in exploitation a strategy. For IBM4710 swallow up OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. 1. Best Product- this view emerges from the classic competitive strategy.It focuses on competing by positioning the companys harvest-feasts or serve wells as low price, having a unique set of features, or targeting a focused or niche segment in the market. 2. marrow Customer Solution- the customer is at the center and the earliest to satisfy. It argues that very good considering of customer and developing close relationships with those customers to nominate them in creating their own economic value.Company competing with this view will focus on ply chain of mountainss to response to provide family of mathematical ingatherings or religious service that closely match customer requirement. 3. administration Lock-In- this view comprehends the enterprise, the customers, the suppliers, and the most chief(prenominal) those company whose harvest-tide and run enhance the strategy-making companys own return and service portfolio. The key to success in this view is to identify, attract and nurture those companies whose outputs and services atomic number 18 complementary, attractive them in a collective effort to please the customer.In this study, companies engaged in system lock-in far outperformed those employing entireness customer solutions or best product strategies on both securities industry Value Added (MVA) and Market-to-Book Value (MBV) as in Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Relative Performance of Three Positioning Strategies Strategy Best Product Total customer solutions System lock-in Number of companies in the study Relative Market Value Added Performance Relative Market-to-B ook Value Performance 74 67 16 1. 0 1. 6 4. 0 1. 0 1. 2 2. 0 Source Hax and Wilde, The Delta Project Discovering sore Sources of Profitability in a Ne bothrk Economy, Pelgrave, 2001.Thus, to develop business strategy, the company must think about its positioning not altogether to its competitors but also its customers, suppliers and potential complementary product or service pissrs. Understanding the system-level view, the company will be able to provide better solutions from integrating of value chain with attention to company produce the products or services that complement its products and services or any other solutions. However, the understanding customer is much than unfavorable to strategy breeding and execution.Hayes and Wheelwright (1984) and Fine and Hax (1985) had proposed five dimensions to use as the framework which ar make up, quality, handiness, Features/ innovativeness and environmental/ mathematical operation. greet The cost has been defined as the cos t of the product or service to the customer. Cost this accommodates not only procure price of the product or service, but the cost of ownership as well. The aspects of cost to customer will be vary on the industry or category of the product such as the cost customer consumer product will be only on its marketing price.While industrial product, like machine and equipment, will be more likely For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. to extend its concern on installation, maintain and others cost related not only to the equipment alone. Quality The graphic symbol defined by Garvin (1988) and King (1987) is broken down into two aspects, the existent and intangible. The tangible aspects of quality include the aesthetics of the product, or out vest of the service, how reliable it is over period of time, whether or not it is safe, and how convenience to fix and etc.While the intangible aspects include the competence, courtesy, and credibility of the people involved in the process, as well as the stratum to which those people understand the customers needs and communicate well with the customers. They also include assessments of the environment surrounding the purchase process or service, including considerations such as accessibility and security. In addition, to examine the quality, it may be important to differentiate assessments of the actual quality delivered from the quality perceived by the customer. availability The availability dimension is increasingly important and demanding by customers. Availability requirements clearly vary by business. Grocery store customers expect products to be available on the shelf when they go shopping. An out-of-stock item is a lost of sale for a particular place or product and also may be lost of sale for the store itself. Airlines buying airplanes, on the other end of the spectrum, do not expect to buy their products off the shelf, but they do expect saving when promised.Plans are made months ahead, or in several(prenominal)(prenominal) cases years ahead, of projected delivery to put the impertinently aircraft into service immediately upon delivery, possibly retiring and replacing another aircraft. Late deliveries can manage great disruption to an airlines entire schedule. Availability applies to novel product introductions as well. most industries such as consumer electronics focus on fast time-to-market for new products. Others have longer product teaching and introduction cycles but must delivery new products when promised. Moreover, availability refers to the configuration of the products a company furnishs.There is a wide range of ways in which companies offer customized products or services to their customers. Hence, availability describes the sozzleds ability to deliver the variety of products or services its customers want when they want them. Features and Innovativeness The inherent characteristics of the product or service is Features such as the featured services from the first or business class fares on full service airlines like Japan Airline, Thai Airways or less featured services, such as passage on Southwest Airlines, and Airasias no frills flight.Innovativeness is closely related to features due to the fact that in advance(p) technologies are true to be new featured of the product. For instance, spheric positioning systems (GPS), as innovative engineering, is planning with hi-end car and represent as additional feature. environmental Performance It may apply to the product (or tangible output of a service) itself, or to the process by which that product was made or service delivered. Environmental management systems, for example, focus on processes and aim to reduce For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. the environmental impact (e. . hazardous turn back generation) of the processes used to make the products or deliver the services. ISO 14000 and the European Eco- caution & Audit Scheme (EMAS, www. quality. co. uk/e mas. htm) are but two of several frame industrial plant for companies to follow to improve environmental performance. The third level is composed of the available strategies that support the type of competitive advantage to be pursued. A typical functional strategy is the sets of decisions made in each of the functional areas of an organization that stop how it will use in the overall business strategy of the company.Research and development managers make decisions about applied science use, engineering resource allocation, product development process, research and development skills and organization, product prototyping and testing approaches, and involvement of customers in product development. Marketing managers make decisions about product and service positioning, announce and promotion, and customer relationship management. Finance and Accounting managers make decisions about sources of funds, resource allocation, and currency hedging.The decisions make in these various fun ctions make up the overall business strategy of the organization. Synergistic decision making among the functional support of an overall business strategy and leverage cross-functional capabilities to create and support business strategy direction is allowing the company to be successful. Beckman and Rosenfield (2008) have integrated these strategy into framework illustrated in Exhibit X. X. Each individual functional area may develop its own capabilities that in turn serve business strategy, or the functional areas may work in concert with another to create overarching capabilities. personal line of credit strategy is best supported, when the activities undertaken by the functional areas and/or the capabilities they develop complement one another and work together to achieve the goal of business (Fine and Hax 1985). They refer to this requirement as crossfunctional integration or fit. OPERATIONS STRATEGY An operations strategy is a set of goals, policies, and self-imposed restricti ons that together describe how the organization proposes to direct and develop all the resources invested in operations so as to best fulfill (and possibly redefine) its mission (Hayes et al 1998).In the case of business organization, the mission usually is expressed terms of survival, profitability, and growth, and is pursued by trying to differentiate itself from its competitors in some desirable way. A companys operation strategy, whence, has to begin by specifying how it proposes to support that chosen form of competitive differentiation. By integrating resources invested in the operations function into a cohesive, purposeful whole, such a strategy can enable operations to become a powerful source of competitive advantage. For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph.D. trading operations Strategy Goal As described earlier, five dimensions of customer requirements which are cost, quality, availability, feature/innovativeness, and environmental performance has been mapped w ith operations performance measures by Fine and Hax (1985). In each case, operations can affect some, but not all, of the companys performance along that dimension. Cost trading operations directly affects the cost of the product or service and thus its purchase price (assuming that products are priced to achieve some profit) finished its direct or indirect control of the put up chain.It can also affect the products cost of ownership by joint efforts with engineering (research and development) and/or marketing in the design of the product or service. Quality Operations also directly controls the quality of the product or service, again through its direct or indirect control of the supply chain. This is often thought of as a compliance to specifications task as operations contacts to have all products and services delivered meet the specification set off by the developers on behalf of the customers.Operations can also influence the design of a product or service so that it can be produced or delivered with higher quality. It does so, again, in joint efforts with research and development and marketing. Availability Operations is primarily responsible for the availability of products or services already in the market and often determines make-to-order versus make-to-stock strategies. Operations flexibility and process knowledge are critical in determining both the variety of features and the availability an organization can offer.The ability of operations to control the supply chain and the timeliness with which products or services can be delivered directly affects availability. The determination of how much flexibility operations can offer is a joint decision with marketing and research and development. Features/Innovativeness Generally, features are the purview of the marketing and research and development organizations, although the operations function is influential in determining the range of products, services, or features the plastered will be abl e to provide based on its won ability to deliver them. cognitive process knowledge and innovation are key to the organizations ability to customize output to specific customer needs, to embed new innovations, and to allow research and development to create novel products and services. For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. Exhibit 2 Business and Operations Strategy Performance Dimensions Dimension Cost Customer Concerns Purchase price Cost of ownership Operations Influence Costs of Materials Production voice communication Distribution Capital Productivity Inventory turnover blueprint for cost Cost Objectives are measured using labor, materials, and capacity productivity inventory turnover unit cost.Quality of Materials Production Delivery Distribution Design for quality Quality measures include percent defective or rejected, frequency of failure in the field, cost of quality, and mean time amongst failures. Availability Timeliness of delivery of product or service A bility to respond to volume fluctuations Timeliness of new product introductions Delivery performance is measured by percentage of on-time shipments, average delay, expediting response time. tractableness is measured by product mix range, volume, and lead time for new products.Process capability Capabilities for more featured and innovative products and services Process knowledge and ability to extend it Design and development capabilities Measures of process capability assess the types of products or services that can be delivered. Environmental performance Managing environmental performance of suppliers or other partners in the supply chain Managing the environmental performance of inbred production or service delivery operations Environmental performance measures include both emissions measures (water, air, and solid waste) as well as measures of product reuse and recyclability.Quality literal characteristics Aesthetics Reliability, durability, and safety Serviceability Intang ible characteristics Competence, courtesy, understanding, and communication Access and security For purchase Off-the-shell or make-toorder Of new products Rapid cycle or planned evolution Variety of range of products available Degree of customization Availability Features/ innovativeness Inherent characteristics of a product or service Degree of innovation Environmental performanceDegree to which process that produces and delivers the product or service is environmentally sound Degree to which the product or service itself is environmentally sound and reusable or recyclable For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. Source Fine and Hax. (1985), Manufacturing Strategy A Methodology and an Illustration, Interfaces 15, no. 6 (November-December) cited in Beckman, Sara L. , Rosenfield, Donald B. (2008). Operations Strategy Competing in the 21st Century, U. S. McGraw-Hill International Edition. Environmental Performance Finally, operations own the environmental erformance of b oth internal and external operations throughout the supply chain. It either works with suppliers to achieve adequate environmental performance in their facilities or works to achieve it in internal Operations or both. Operations may also influence research and development to design products that are more environmentally sound (e. g. , easier to disassemble and recycle). Operations Goals in Practice Researchers have identified many alternative categorizations of these operations performance dimensions over the years (Dangayach and Deshmukh 2001). both(prenominal) identify many categories such as the chase 11 low cost, design flexibility, volume flexibility, quality conformance, product performance, speed of delivery, dependability of deliveries, after sales service, advertising, broad distributions, and broad product line (Miller and Roth 1994). Others summarize the characteristics in fewer categories defined as follows (Spring and Biadeb 1997) Cost produce and distribute product ( or service) at low cost. Quality manufacture or deliver product or service with high quality or performance standards.Delivery dependability meet delivery schedules. Flexibility react to changes in product, changes in product mix, modifications to design, fluctuations in materials, and changes in sequence. Yet others link clusters of operations performance characteristics into stylized business strategies such as those of caretaker, marketer, and innovator (miller and Roth 1994). Some researchers have examined similarities and differences in emphasis on these performance categories by industry, by geography, and over time.One study, for example, found that computer and electronics companies rate high product quality as their most important competitive factor, but computer companies rate innovative features and designs more super than do electronics companies, speckle electronics companies place more emphasis on short lead times than do computer companies (Lau 2002). Others have fo und important differences among various countries or geographies in the emphasis they place on these characteristics. After achieving a high level of quality, for example, Japanese manufacturers turned their focus to time-based competition and innovative products, while the U.S. and Europe continued to rank quality as a critical objective (Kenney and Florida 1993). The Manufacturing Futures Survey, which collected longitudinal data over many years, found that lasting improvements in manufacturing can only be achieved by first building quality, followed by delivery reliability, then flexibility and responsiveness, and then technological leadership. At each For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. step of the progression, cost efficiency is pursued for the given capability set, culminating with an overall focus on cost leadership (Roth et al. 989, Miller et al. 1989). Operations Decision Categories Creating an operations strategy essentially entails making a set of decisio ns about the structure and infrastructure of operations (Skinner 1969, Hayes and Wheelwright 1984). Structural decisions deal with the perpendicular integration of the operations, its facilities, capacity, and process technology, whereas infrastructure decisions focus on organizational and human resource policies, sourcing and supply chain management practices, quality management systems, planning and control systems, and information technology. root is developed over time through persistent day-to-day practice, top management commitment, and cross-functional efforts to create capabilities that support and leverage the firms structure. Infrastructure decisions usually deal with less tangible outcomes than do structural decisions, but it is the effective integration and deductive reasoning of structural and infrastructural decisions that create long-term operations excellence (Dangayach and Deshmukh 2001).In making decisions in each of these categories, operations managers strive t o ensure that the decisions are mutually supportive and consistent with one another. Further, they aim to have the collection of decisions support or facilitate the overall business strategy. The decision categories are briefly discussed hereunder. Structural Decisions just Integration. Vertical integration decisions arrange questions about how much of the Value chain a firm should own. Should they own more or less of the value chain reaching back to their suppliers?Should they own more or less of the value chain reaching forward to their customers? Issues considered include cost of the business to be acquired or entered degree of supplier reliability the proprietary or nonproprietary nature of the product or process to be brought in house transaction costs of contracting through market versus non-market mechanisms and impact on risk, product quality, cost structure, and degree of focus. Process Technology. Process technology decisions relate to the firms investment in the technol ogy it uses to transform materials and/or nformation into products and/or services. Evaluation of this investment requires a firm to address several questions Should its process be more labor intensive or more automated? Should it purchase technology or develop it in house, or use some combination there of? Should it be a follower or a leader in process technology investment? How does its process technology investment fit with its product technology development strategy? Capacity Capacity decisions establish how much capacity the firm will carry in order to manage both short-term fluctuations in demand and longer-term growth opportunities.Capacity For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. may be added gradually or in large chunks. How should the firm deal with cyclical demand? Different types of capacity may be added at different times. How should the firm use capacity to influence its competitors decisions or actions? Facilities Facilities decisions are often closely rel ated to capacity decisions, as firms may add or close facilities in response to a need for more or less capacity, but are often longer-term.In thinking through its facilities decisions, a firm will answer questions about how many facilities it should have, where they should be located, and what they should do. Facilities issues become even more crucial in a global environment as firms decide whether to locate facilities near the local market to increase share in that market, to access local technologies, to reduce costs, or to leverage local talent. Infrastructural Decisions Sourcing. Sourcing decisions follow closely from vertical integration decisions.Once a firm has decided not to own certain parts of its value chain, it must determine what types of relationships it should have with the entities away(p) the boundaries of the firm. Should the suppliers be managed with the five forces competitive-strategy framework suggested by Porter in this chapter, or with the more cooperative approach modeled by the Japanese keiretsu? Business processes, such as product and service Business Processes and Policies. generation, order fulfillment, and service and support, cut across functional boundaries in an organization and are critical in serving the customer.Business process decisions include determining and defining critical processes, setting performance goals for each, and then choosing an appropriate organizational design to met those goals. Some of the organizational design questions include How should the operations organization be structured? What are the roles of the line and staff organizations? What skills are required in operations? How should those skills be developed and retained? How should Those skills be developed and retained? How should operations personnel be rewarded? Supply Chain Coordination.While business process management focuses inside the organization, operations management today often requires management of multiple sources, markets, and flo ws outside the firm as well. Thus, operations managers face strategic decisions about the structure of the supply chains. Should they co-locate their own operations with those of their suppliers? How many layers should they have in their distribution networks? What modes of transportation are appropriate for which links in the supply chain? How should flows of goods among the various entities in the supply chain be monitored?Information Technology. Information technology and process technology decision are closely related, but process technology decisions relate to the physical equipment with which products and services are made and delivered, while information technology refers to the system that moves information around the operations function, between operations and the other functional areas in the firm, and among the players in the broader supply For IBM4710 Inter OM Chayakrit Asvathitanont, Ph. D. chain. There are a number of decisions operations managers make about their info rmation technology.How automated should information processing be? Should information systems be purchased or developed internally? Should the firm be a follower or a leader in the development and/or use of state-of-the-art-technology? How does the information technology investment fit with other investments the firm is making? Operations Capabilities Development. There is some evidence that traditional operations improvement programs such as lean manufacturing, just-in-time, total quality management, focused factories, and the like are misused by managers.Often hastily adopted as an industry best practice or in emulation of a competitor, these programs can yield poor results, wasted effort, and missed opportunities for an organization. When thoughtfully and fully implemented, however, they can be enormously successful. In developing operations strategy, managers must examine such programs and consider the capabilities required to develop and implement them. REFERENCES Andrews, K. ( 1971). The Concept of Corporate Strategy, Dow Jones-Irwin Homewood, IL. Beckman, S. L. , D. B. Rosenfield. (2008). Operations Strategy Competing in the 21st Century, U.S. McGraw-Hill International Edition. Dangayach, G. S. and S. G. Deshmukh. (2001) Manufacturing Strategy Literature limited review and Some Issues. 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