Wednesday, July 24, 2019

ISRAEL- PALESTINE CONFLICTS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

ISRAEL- PALESTINE CONFLICTS - Research Paper Example Apparently various researches and reports have shown that the most affected region is the Gaza strip where; lots of lives have been lost; properties as well as other social amenities have been affected (Mandell 1985). The occurrence of conflicts between the Palestine tribes has also created a major setback on the efforts of the international community that has been placed to facilitate peace negotiation between the two countries. Conflicts between the Sunnis and the Shiites have created divisions among the Palestine leaders hence diverting their attention from the peace negotiations towards resolving these internal conflicts (Migdalovitz 2010). Various social researchers as well as other concerned International Stakeholders have undertaken studies to find the causes of the Israeli and Palestine conflict. The most obvious factor that has emerged is that the conflicts were triggered by the struggle on who owns Gaza; however, bodies such as the media have failed to provide comprehensive information concerning the causes of conflict between the two nations. That is, there are cases where the media has portrayed Israel as an innocent nation that is making an attempt to save the aggressive Palestine from causing harm to its citizens. This has raised lot of concern from the various stakeholders especially among the Palestine leaders. International Organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organizations as well as other stakeholder countries have made different efforts to ensure that peace and stability exist between the two nations. However, their efforts have not been successful owing to a number of reasons. The first reason emerges from the inter-ethnic group among the Palestine Tribes; these tribal conflicts have been propagated by the differences emerging the specific inter-ethnic affiliations. That is, certain groups such as the Shiites have experienced tremendous hatred from the Sunnis who

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